Usia Berapa Anak Sebaiknya Mulai Belajar Bahasa Kedua?

Usia Berapa Anak Sebaiknya Mulai Belajar Bahasa Kedua?
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For both adults and children, learning a foreign language is one of the most important lessons. Learning a foreign language benefits children's social and communication skills, in addition to providing insight. So when is a good time for kids to start studying a language other than their mother tongue?


Benefits of learning a foreign languages for children

Teaching children a second language alongside their native tongue yields numerous developmental advantages. Early exposure to foreign languages enhances cognitive abilities in children. Moreover, learning another language fosters improved focus, self-control, and better social and communication skills.

Research indicates that children who begin learning foreign languages early also demonstrate enhanced object discrimination based on shape and exhibit better problem-solving and planning skills.

For parents considering introducing their child to a foreign language, starting early is recommended. Studies suggest that teaching a second language from toddlerhood onwards facilitates improved communication and socialization skills in children.


What age should children learn a second language?

Experts agree that teaching children a second language has many benefits for children's development and can be done from an early age. Language stimulation to children can be given at the earliest possible age.

Even though children are not yet able to imitate and understand the speech of people around them, since birth, children have been able to recognize the differences in tone of speech, tapping and clapping. At the age of 6 months, the child is able to make baby sounds, which shows that he is learning baby language.

By the age of 12–18 months, children already understand the meaning of words, arrange words, imitate new words and name various nouns. At the age of 18–24 months, children can begin to learn to put together simple sentences for everyday conversation.

At this age, experts recommend that parents teach children their mother tongue, which is widely used every day. Children have begun to recognize how to construct longer sentences and understand more daily vocabulary and more complex sentences.

To learn a foreign language, experts recommend that parents introduce a second language when their child is 3 years old. At this age, children's basic thinking in language, behavior and other characteristics have emerged and can develop rapidly

At this age, children's brains are also able to absorb various information well, so they can easily be introduced to new things, including foreign languages. The earlier a child is introduced to a new language, the easier it will be for the child to remember and develop it.


Tips for teaching foreign languages to children

When teaching language to children, you can introduce it through various daily activities, such as daily conversations or games. To introduce children to a new language, you can apply the following tips:

  • Learn through daily conversations. Children learn language through the sounds they hear every day. The more often you talk to your child using a foreign language, the easier it will be for him to understand and imitate the foreign language
  • Learn through songs. Children will more easily remember foreign language words through songs. You can listen to songs in foreign languages ​​so that it is easier for children to pronounce them
  • Learn through play. Games that involve movement, flash cards and other props can also make it easier for children to understand vocabulary and remember it


Introducing foreign languages ​​to children provides many benefits for the development of their intelligence. You can start teaching it at the age of three. It is important to remember that the process of learning a foreign language should be packaged in activities that are fun and do not put pressure on children. If the learning process is enjoyable, of course the child's ability to absorb lessons will be better.

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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Selasa, 14 Mei 2024 | 06:33